Waist Away Green Coffee Bean, 90 caps.



Fit women


  • Contains only raw, green, unroasted coffee bean powder that has been standardized to contain 45.9% chlorogenic acids
  • Each 800 mg (per 2 capsules) of Green Coffee Bean Extract serving contains 45.9% chlorogenic acid, a naturally-occuring blend of the 3, 4 and 5-caffeoylquinic acids
  • Naturally low in caffeine, which limits the stimulant effects and jitters associated with roasted coffee beans
  • Supports healthy blood pressure and homocystein levels, and the integrity and function of blood vessels
  • Chlorogenic acid binds with lower density lipoproteins (LDL cholesterol) and protects them from oxidation, acting as a heart-protective antioxidant
  • Inhibits excessive intestinal absorption of glucose (sugar) which may help to manage healthier blood glucose (sugar) and insulin levels
  • Prevents excess sugar in circulation and supports the use of fat for energy.
  • Currently, there has been no reported side effects or identified risks for using chlorogenic acid.


Product Description

WaistAway Green Coffee Bean 90 caps_mock image hires_0-280x280Waist Away Green Coffee Bean Extract is a unique supplement using only raw, unroasted coffee beans that have been standardized to contain 45.9% chlorogenic acids, which supports healthy body weight, body fat levels, cardiovascular function and blood sugar levels. These polyphenol-rich green coffee beans are high in antioxidants and are naturally low in caffeine, offering weight management support without a jittery, stimulant effect .


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