Sewanti Cooling Pitta Massage Oil 100ml.




Cooling Pitta oil (Chandanadi Taila)

Padmashri Pitta oil is prepared with Pitta-reducing herbs in a base of cold pressed sesame oil which gives this oil serene and pacifying quality.

Pitta pertains to metabolism and transformation in the mind and body. Pitta represents the element of Fire and water.

Uses: Skin sensitivity, anger issues, and excess heat, irritation and inflammation.

Benefits : Cools, relaxes and pacifies the mind and body.

Key herbs: Traditional formulation with White Sandalwood, Amalaki, coconut water and Indian lotus.

Product Description

cooling pitta oil- massage  Unlike massage oils used in the West, Ayurvedic oils are specially crafted medicinal substances that can be used both internally and externally. The traditional procedure to make such oils is labor intensive and requires the skill of a master Ayurvedic pharmacist, who slowly decocts medicinal plants and other natural substances into heat-stable oils at low temperatures. These traditional oils are a striking contrast to what many companies in the West currently market as ‘Ayurvedic oils’, which are nothing more than carrier oils that feature various essential oil blends.

Padmashri oils are the highest quality Ayurvedic oils on the market, prepared according to authentic Ayurvedic practices, and packed in amber-coloured glass bottles (not plastic) to ensure shelf-life and stability.


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