Electric C-180 caps.



Avena Originals LOGO.Did you know ?

Simple carbs/sugars compete with vitamin C for cellular uptake. So at the first sign of a runny nose or tickle in the throat, it`s best to decrease and/or eliminate

simple carbs and sugars from your diet, while helping to boost your body`s immunity with Electric C.

For colds & flu, many therapists suggest higher than average intake of vitamin C, even as much as 8,000mg every  hour for 4 to 6 hours, until bowel intolerance.

Product Description

Electricc- C-AVENA

One of the most popular vitamins

Vitamin C is considered the best and most cost-effective health insurance available. The famous Dr. Linus Pauling proposed that regular intake of vitamin C is crucial to a healthy immune system.

Vitamin C helps prevent and shorten the duration of the common cold and prevents secondary viral and bacterial complications. It also protects the body from damage by free radicals. What makes our Electric C product unique? It contains the complete Vitamin C package, the one you find in nature. Electric C is 100% complete, with dulse as its natural source of iron for greater absorption. It far excels generic ascorbic acid vitamin C products.

In fact, Electric C is one of Avena’s most prized Electrically Available® formulations. It has naturally-occurring bioflavonoids, electrolytes, tyrosinase, zinc, potassium, K factors, P factors and J factors, making it safe and easy to use in large doses.

Electric C is the ultimate immune system enhancer. Isolated and synthetic forms of Vitamin C reportedly absorb at the rate of 3 to 7%; more complete, buffered formulas can achieve 47 to 57% absorption rates. But presented in the proper electrical matrix, complete with the full package of nutrients that make up a true vitamin C, Avena’s Electric C delivers an astonishing 98% absorption rate, leaving its competitors in the dust.


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