Balsam Pear Tea, 20 sachets.



Key Information:

  • Balsam Pear is also called “cool melon” , “Karela”,”bitter gourd”, or “Bitter Melon”, with its cold and brine nature and rich contents of vitamin B1, vitamin C and many minerals – it relieves thirst, refreshes and nourishes the body and accelerate metabolism. It also improves digestion and relieves constipation.
  • Hypoglycemic effect of charantin and lectin Charantin, extracted from balsam pear has shown hypoglycemic effect on normal and diabetic people.
  • It increases insulin sensitivity. Studies in the U.S. have shown that balsam pear contains lectin that has insulin-like activity due to its nonprotein-specific linking together to insulin receptors.
  • This lectin lowers blood glucose concentrations by acting on peripheral tissues, similar to insulin’s effects on the brain by suppressing appetite.
  • Due to its hypoglycemic effect, lectin is also known as “plant insulin”. Presence of this lectin makes it beneficial for alleviating adult-onset diabetes, also known as type II diabetes.
  • Other compounds in bitter melon have been found to activate AMPK, the protein that regulates glucose uptake (a process which is impaired in diabetics).
  • Lectin is stable in extreme environment such as stomach when is exposed to strong stomach acids and digestive enzymes.

  Role of Green Tea:

  • Green Tea has long been used by the Chinese to alleviate headaches, body ache, poor digestion, improving well-being and life expectancy.
  • Green Tea is rich in bioflavonoids, polyphenols, vitamins, minerals and is one of its main properties is to fight free radicals that cause oxidative stress in diabetes.

Product Description

Ingredients: Balsam Pear Powder, Green Tea Powder, charantin, lectin Charantin

Characteristics and Benefits:

  1. Repairs βcells of pancreas responsible for producing insulin;
  2. Polypeptide P – a plant insulin, reduces blood sugar and blood lipid level safely;
  3. Prohibits the absorption of glucose in small intestine, and reduces glucose in the blood stream;
  4. Alleviate complications of diabetes such as thirst and dry mouth.

Suitable for:

* People with hyperglycemia

* People with diabetes


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