Avena Originals Superfood 168g.



avena-empoweredAre you suffering from the ” I don`t know whats”

People everywhere are suffering from the ” I don`t what`s.” They don`t know what they need to do to feel and look better- more robust, vibrant and alive.

Avena has the answer: Eat more greens ! These overlooked gems are filled with the most nutrients-dense foods on the planet. Too many people struggle to

include enough greens in their daily diet and health regimen. Greens often exceed animal products in mineral quantity per weight.

Product Description

superfood-Avena OriginalsAvena’s Superfood Powder has a very popular following, particularly in Western Canada. Avena approached us in late 2009 to prepare this NPN submission. A strong challenge with this product was that it contains over 30 medicinal ingredients, many of which are enzymes. We successfully achieved the NPN for Avena in early 2013 after waiting nearly three years for Health Canada to review the file (NPN 80039132), which was a typical review time in those days. Many “greens” powders are challenging to license due to their sheer complexity, and in Canada these are usually regulated as natural health products and not as foods.


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