Anovite`s Oxyquest, 2fl oz.



Oxygen is a healer, a cleanser, and a source of energy to every cell in our body. It strengthens immune systems, destroys bacteria and viruses, and provides numerous life giving benefits.

The difficulty has been to harness oxygen’s tremendous benefits in a form that would be stable and non-toxic. Until the formulation of OxyQuest

Product Description

OxyQuest is alkaline and contains only negatively charged electrolytes of oxygen. This makes it different from any other oxygen product on the market. The genius of the formula lies in using two of the most abundant and important electrolytes in body fluids; sodium and chloride, to act as oxygen carriers.

OxyQuest is formulated with two of the most abundant and important electrolytes in body fluids: sodium and chloride. These two ingredient components act as oxygen carriers. The molecular oxygen is released through the digestive process and absorbed into the bloodstream.

OxyQuest provides:

  • 13.4 Ph for a dilutable alkaline source
  • Proprietary Oxygen Stability Protocol
  • 12,000 – 15,000 ppm of Stabilized Oxygen Molecules

Oxygen Stabilized Protocol is a proprietary electrochemical process that sustains molecular stability indefinitely unless OxyQuest is exposed to temperatures exceeding 160 degrees F or to extended periods of direct sunlight.

We are surrounded by air; therefore it is easy for us to take this precious element and its unending supply for granted. However, if the supply of oxygen were cut off, we would die in a matter of minutes. Studies have shown that the amount of oxygen in the air that we breathe has decreased by as much as 50% compared to the days of our ancestors. The four modern-day stressors; toxic stress, emotional stress, physical trauma, and infections; increase the bodies acidic level further depleting the bodies oxygen supply.

Oxygen is a healer, a cleanser, and a source of energy to every cell in our body. It strengthens immune systems, destroys bacteria and viruses, and provides numerous life giving benefits.

The difficulty has been to harness oxygen’s tremendous benefits in a form that would be stable and non-toxic. Until the formulation of OxyQuest!


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