Adeeva Prostate 40 Plus 60 caps.



Aloe_Vera At age 40 the prostate gland tends to speed up the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). High level of DHT causes prostate cells to replicate rapidly causing prostate enlargement and increasing the risk of other prostate disorders. In fact, from age 40 to 80 ninety percent of men eventually develop enlarged prostate and symptoms associated with it; 1 in 8 men in North America develop more serious prostate problems. Symptoms of an enlarged prostate include: decreased urine stream, urgency to urinate with difficulty in initiating a urine stream, frequent urination, and frequent night-time urination.
Clinical studies show that a number of natural agents can block the build up of DHT, and therefore slow or prevent prostate enlargement. Prostate 40 Plus has optimal dosages and standardized grades of these natural agents to help you take care of your prostate.

Product Description

adeeva-prostate-40-500x500At age 40 the prostate gland tends to speed up the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). High level of DHT causes prostate cells to replicate rapidly causing prostate enlargement and increasing the risk of other prostate disorders. In fact, from age 40 to 80 ninety percent of men eventually develop enlarged prostate and symptoms associated with it; 1 in 8 men in North America develop more serious prostate problems. Symptoms of an enlarged prostate include: decreased urine stream, urgency to urinate with difficulty in initiating a urine stream, frequent urination, and frequent night-time urination.
Clinical studies show that a number of natural agents can block the build up of DHT, and therefore slow or prevent prostate enlargement. Prostate 40 Plus has optimal dosages and standardized grades of these natural agents to help you take care of your prostate.


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