Product Description
Cleanse, moisturize, refresh. Tightens, detox, nourish, mineralize & rejuvenates the womb and vaginal area
Can be used as steam or Sits bath
Benefits: Clears candida, fibrosis, Endometriosis, reduces inflammation, Cleanse, nourish, rejuvenate, moisturize, refresh, detox, tightens and repairs bruises in vaginal walls, strengthens the ovaries
For Ages, *Puberty to age 44 use 1x per week
*For ages 45+ use 1x per month
Extra Supplies needed: *4 Litre of Spring water, *5-6 litre stainless steel pot, * Extra large wooden spoon or stainless steel *Extra large strainer,
*Vaginal Steamer, a Sitz Bath, or a Medium to large plastic bowl that you can sit with your hips submerged inside, *Extra large towel or blanket.
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