Stem Active, 30 servings.




Often referred to as the body’s “master” cells, these tiny wonders have the ability to self-replicate and become cells of any of the body’s tissues or organs. Research has shown that adult stem cells have capabilities comparable to embryonic stem cells, able to transform into cells of practically any tissue to which they migrate.

At any given moment, the body averages circulation of about 12,000,000 stem cells to help it regain and maintain optimal health. Natural aging, poor health, injury, and disease can compromise the number of fully functioning stem cells, which means you could be missing out on some of that regeneration support. Your body wants to stock up in the most natural way possible.

Product Description


There’s a direct correlation between the number of circulating stem cells and the ability of the body to reach and maintain optimal health.

At any given moment, the body averages about 12 million stem cells in circulation. These stem cells are produced in your body and have the role to help you regain and maintain optimal health. Natural aging, poor health, injury, and disease can compromise the number of fully functioning stem cells.

Natural aging, poor health, injury, and disease can compromise the number of fully functioning stem cells circulating throughout in the body, so you’ll want to get the best possible support.

StemActive contains powerful ingredients shown to increase the number of stem cells on their mission to take care of your body.


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