Pain Active Relief Salve. 60ml. (EKS Wellness)



Pain Active Relief Salve is a natural, topical solution that provides gentle, reliable pain relief. Its natural ingredients make it an ideal choice for those looking to reduce discomfort without harsh chemicals or medications. Daily use may help to reduce swelling, inflammation, and joint pain commonly associated with rheumatism and osteoarthritis.

Product Description

EKS Wellness began out of a need for an all-natural solution to help manage chronic inflammation and pain from conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lyme Disease. Using centuries-old ideas, we developed a topical that could help decrease and manage these symptoms. That topical is now known as PAIN.

At EKS Wellness incorporating Hemp Seed Oil (Cannabis Sativa) into our products is fundamental. Hemp Seed Oil comes from the seeds of the Cannabis Sativa plant; however the seeds of the plant do not contain cannabinoids (CDB or THC). We hone in on the enormous health benefits of hemp seed oil and create products that bring those benefits to you!


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