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Chronic Inflammation 101. Magnesium Bis-Glycinate.

Chronic inflammation is at the root of an estimated 75-90% of all chronic disease.

One major reason for this is the centralization of an ultra processed food supply.

The habitual consumption of harmful foods with little to no actual nutritional value has set the stage for widespread chronic inflammation. (Amongst other issues)

That being said, the word tends to get thrown around recklessly in the Health community.

Using terms like “anti-inflammatory diet” implies that one can manage their inflammation levels by eating a particular set of foods.

This is objectively not true.

You see, a healthy body regulates its own inflammation levels.

When we are metabolically healthy, are ingesting all essential, nutrition, and living a conscious lifestyle, inflammation is not a concern.

For example, after the inflammatory process, a healthy body will use its own storage of anti inflammatory micro nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin E, glutathione, etc

That being said, the best “anti-inflammatory” diet is simply eating nutrient dense, real foods.

The specific foods, obviously, vary from person to person, because we all react to different foods differently. (as I said above, it’s safe to assume everybody will react poorly to ultra processed foods.)

so to summarize:

1. Inflammation CAN BE good.
2. Inflammation CAN BE bad.

as usual, blindly following advice from health gurus about inflammation is likely to get most of us nowhere.

Health isn’t about finding the “right” dogma/creed.

It’s about embracing the mystery of your body with the purpose of forming a conscious relationship with it.

Chronic Inflammation 101.

Chronic inflammation is at the root of an estimated 75-90% of all chronic disease.

One major reason for this is the centralization of an ultra processed food supply.

The habitual consumption of harmful foods with little to no actual nutritional value has set the stage for widespread chronic inflammation. (Amongst other issues)

That being said, the word tends to get thrown around recklessly in the Health community.

Using terms like “anti-inflammatory diet” implies that one can manage their inflammation levels by eating a particular set of foods.

This is objectively not true.

You see, a healthy body regulates its own inflammation levels.

When we are metabolically healthy, are ingesting all essential, nutrition, and living a conscious lifestyle, inflammation is not a concern.

For example, after the inflammatory process, a healthy body will use its own storage of anti inflammatory micro nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin E, glutathione, etc

That being said, the best “anti-inflammatory” diet is simply eating nutrient dense, real foods.

The specific foods, obviously, vary from person to person, because we all react to different foods differently. (as I said above, it’s safe to assume everybody will react poorly to ultra processed foods.)

so to summarize:

1. Inflammation CAN BE good.
2. Inflammation CAN BE bad.

as usual, blindly following advice from health gurus about inflammation is likely to get most of us nowhere.

Health isn’t about finding the “right” dogma/creed.

It’s about embracing the mystery of your body with the purpose of forming a conscious relationship with it.

5 Overlooked Health Benefits of Resistance Training.

5 Overlooked Benefits of Resistance Training
Are you stuck in a fitness rut? Resistance training may be the solution you’re looking for! It’s not just about building muscle and toning up, there are actually more benefits to resistance training than you may think. From improved sleep to better cardiovascular health, resistance training offers an array of advantages that will make you rethink your workout plan. In this blog post, we’ll discuss 5 overlooked benefits of resistance training that you may not have heard of before.

1) Improved cardiovascular health

Regular resistance training can improve your cardiovascular health in many ways. It can help you develop a stronger heart, improve your overall circulation and boost your endurance. Resistance training is one of the best forms of exercise for increasing cardiovascular health because it forces your heart to work harder, leading to increased blood flow and improved oxygen delivery throughout your body.

This increased oxygen supply enables your muscles to contract and relax more efficiently, making them stronger and more efficient at pumping blood. Additionally, resistance training improves your metabolic rate, allowing you to burn calories more quickly. This can lead to a decrease in body fat percentage and an increase in your overall cardiovascular health. As an added bonus, resistance training can also help reduce stress levels, which can help keep your heart healthy as well.

2) Lower blood pressure

When it comes to cardiovascular health, few things are as important as maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Resistance training has been proven to be an effective way to reduce blood pressure in those suffering from hypertension, or high blood pressure. In fact, regular resistance training can reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels by 4-9 mmHg. For those with hypertension, resistance training can be an invaluable tool for managing the condition and reducing risks associated with heart disease.

What makes resistance training so effective at reducing blood pressure? When exercising with weights, your muscles require more oxygen than during aerobic activities such as running or cycling. This increased oxygen demand forces your heart to pump harder, strengthening it over time and leading to lower blood pressure levels. Additionally, by increasing muscle mass through resistance training you increase your metabolic rate and burn more calories, which can also contribute to lower blood pressure levels.

In order to get the most benefit from resistance training for lowering blood pressure, it is important to focus on exercises that involve large muscle groups such as the legs, back, chest and shoulders. These exercises should be performed with moderate intensity and progressive overload in order to build strength and improve cardiovascular health. By regularly incorporating resistance training into your routine, you will not only enjoy the physical benefits of increased strength, but also reap the rewards of improved blood pressure levels.

3) Decreased body fat

Resistance training has been found to be particularly effective in helping reduce body fat levels. When you lift weights, your body needs energy to perform the movements and to repair the muscle tissue afterward. This energy is provided by burning calories. Studies have shown that when combined with a healthy diet, resistance training can help you lose fat quickly and effectively.

Furthermore, resistance training helps promote the growth of lean muscle mass, which increases your basal metabolic rate. This means that your body will continue to burn calories throughout the day, even when you are not actively exercising.

For best results, focus on full-body workouts that target multiple muscle groups. Not only will this help you achieve fat loss faster, but it will also increase your overall strength and endurance. Aim for 3-4 workouts per week and make sure to take at least one rest day in between sessions.

4) Improved bone density

Resistance training is an excellent way to improve your overall bone health. This type of exercise helps build muscle, but it also increases the amount of calcium and minerals that are stored in your bones, making them stronger.

This can help reduce the risk of fractures, osteoporosis, and other age-related bone conditions. Resistance training also stimulates the growth of new bone cells, which helps make bones even stronger. These benefits are especially important for those who are at higher risk for osteoporosis due to a family history or menopause.

5) Enhanced mental health

Resistance training has been linked to improved mental health benefits. While cardio workouts can help to clear your mind, resistance training can boost your mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve cognitive function. A recent study showed that adults who completed 12 weeks of resistance training experienced improved focus, reduced levels of fatigue, and better problem-solving skills. Resistance training has also been linked to improved sleep quality and a reduced risk of depression.

By engaging in resistance training, you can experience improved clarity and focus that can help you tackle difficult tasks and make sound decisions. This can be especially beneficial for students or anyone who is trying to increase their productivity. Plus, the endorphin rush that comes after a good workout can help to reduce stress and give you a better outlook on life.

Overall, resistance training is a great way to promote mental wellbeing and make sure you stay focused and energized throughout the day.

Body Relief- Pain Relief Patch.

Body AlignÂź bases its energy wellness technology on light, sound, longitudinal scalar waves and vortex physics as the basic principles behind biological processes and equipment.

Body AlignÂź uses longitudinal scalar waves (LSW), or Meyl Waves, as the imprinting process.

The theory of LSW wave forms was practically developed over 100 years ago by Nikola Tesla, a Serbian-born and later naturalized American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system.

German Professor Konstantin Meyl reintroduced to his students in the 90’s LSW after he had done years of research on Tesla patents.
The Body Align Body Relief Patch has been infused with frequencies known to inhibit the sensation of pain and provide temporary relief from nagging aches without any pills or lotions needed!

Collagen for Younger Looking Skin!

Dear friend,

If you’re looking for a way to get rid of wrinkles, creases, and stiff, painful joints without harmful medications or surgeries, then take five minutes to read this important letter.

Dr. Melissa Gallagher – Naturopathic Physician
Dr. Melissa Gallagher,
Naturopathic Physician
Hi, my name is Dr. Melissa Gallagher. And I’m going to show you exactly how to:

Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles – so you can keep looking young and radiant…i-iii
Keep your arteries squeaky clean – for a super-healthy heart that keeps ticking well into your “Golden Years”…iv
Ease joint discomfort – for staying as active as you want… v, vi
Rev up your metabolism – so you can say “goodbye” to stubborn fat, build muscle, and feel great… vii, viii
And the best part is you can do it in just five minutes a day without doing any weird exercises or anything like that…

Here’s what this is all about.

The Single Reason You’re Aging Faster Than Ever Before & What To Do About It

The fact is, every year your body is rapidly depleted of the single most important protein in the body, causing you to age faster.

Levels of this protein start to decline when we’re barely in our mid-20s.i

And things get worse as we grow older.

For instance, for people in their 80s, it breaks down four times faster relative to when they were back in their 20s.ix

So what exactly is this protein and more importantly, how do you get more of it?

What Is Collagen and
What Does It Do?
Collagen is a protein. Indeed, it is the most abundant protein in the body, along with being a key building block component in all of the body’s connective tissues.

You may be surprised to learn that collagen makes up to 30 percent of all the proteins in your body and a staggering 75-80 percent of the proteins in your skin!x, xi

The musculoskeletal system is made up of the skeleton, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints, and other connective tissue that supports and holds tissues and organs together.

Collagen helps to construct the infrastructure of the musculoskeletal system, which provides your body with form, support, stability, and movement.

Collagen also ensures the cohesion, elasticity, and regeneration of your skin, which is directly related to how youthful you look.xii

In other words, maintaining your body’s collagen level is the key to having glowing, wrinkle-free skin, and countering the effects of aging and pollution.

The dermis – the layer of skin that provides the skin’s foundation – is partly responsible for your skin’s elasticity and flexibility and also helps to cushion your body from stress and strain.

No surprises then that collagen is the main component of the dermis. Breakdown of collagen or not having enough of it in your body is what leads to wrinkle formation and other skin problems.xiii

Skin Closeup
Ligaments are a type of connective tissue that attach two bones to each other and hold your joints together. Similarly, tendons are another type of connective tissue that keep your muscles attached to your bones.

All of these – bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles – are made up of proteins. Once again, their predominant protein component is collagen.xiv

In other words, having enough collagen helps to ensure the health and self-renewing capability of your skin, hair, tendons, cartilage, bones, and joints, as well as your blood vessels and gut.xv

What Happens to Collagen
as We Grow Older?
Aging Woman
As we age, our body’s ability to make collagen begins to slow down.

Our skin becomes fragile and less elastic.

Wrinkles start to appear.

Our hair turns grey, our joints lose their flexibility and become stiff, and our bone quality begins to deteriorate.

The good news is – even if we cannot make the same levels of collagen as we once did, stimulating our innate collagen production can potentially reverse some of these signs and symptoms of aging.

For instance, a double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in 2014 by Proksch and colleagues looked at the role of supplemental collagen peptide in eye wrinkle formation.

A total of 114 women, aged 45 to 65 years, received either the collagen peptide or control, once daily for 8 weeks. Eye wrinkles were measured before starting the treatment, after 4 and 8 weeks, as well as 4 weeks after the last intake.

Consumption of collagen peptide was seen to lead to a statistically significant reduction of eye wrinkle volume by up to 20 percent –
and this effect was long-lasting. The authors also detected significantly higher levels of procollagen type I and elastin in the treated volunteers, suggesting that supplemental collagen boosted the body’s own production of collagen, which may have helped reduce eye wrinkle formation.iii

Did you know that we have more collagen than any other type of protein in our bodies?xii

Did you know that collagen is the literal “glue” that holds our bodies together? From our skin, to our joints, to our vital organs, collagen is what holds us together and allows us to live. Because of that, collagen plays a critical role in keeping virtually EVERY PART of us running in tip-top shape.xii

Did you also know that after the age of 25 our bodies start producing less and less collagen, which is why we start getting wrinkles, joint pain, and all sorts of other “aging” problems? i

This is why it’s vital that you either

1. Start producing more collagen or
2. Take a high-quality collagen supplement daily
More on both of those in a second.

First, here are some more fascinating facts about collagen:
Collagen can…

Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles – so you can keep looking young and radiant…i-iii
Keep your arteries squeaky clean – for a super-healthy heart that keeps ticking well into your “Golden Years”…iv
Ease joint discomfort – for staying as active as you want v, vi
Rev up your metabolism – so you can say “goodbye” to stubborn fat, build muscle, and feel greatvii, viii
Plus, it can even:

Protect your liver – so you can flush out dangerous toxins and feel more energy and clarity throughout your day…xvi
Boost your mood – so you can be your BEST, more often … xvii
Help you sleep better – for feeling like a “million bucks” without any grogginess in the mornings…xviii
And a whole lot more…
This is why it’s such a critical protein. It plays a role in a variety of your body’s natural processes.

Plain and simple, if you want to slow down the effects of aging and live longer, you have to create more collagen!

Five Ways to Replenish Your
Collagen Levels
Here are 5 ways to help maintain healthy collagen levels as you age:

#1 Bone Broth

Bone broth has been used as a healing concoction in traditional cultures for centuries. Bone broth is made from nothing more than water, animal bones, vegetables, and seasoning. Often the bones are roasted first, before simmering for very long periods of time, usually more than 24 hours – so that not only gelatin (which is a hydrolyzed form of collagen), but also many healthful minerals, are released into the broth.xix

Bone broth is very rich in the amino acids glycine and proline. Glycine supports detoxification, while proline supports skin health, especially in combination with vitamin C. Gelatin also supports skin health and tone.xx

Bone broth also contains glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, which combine to support healthy cartilage. Additionally, bone broth contains hyaluronic acid (also found in beans and root vegetables) which is given on its own as a supplement to osteoarthritis patients and is also injected into knee joints to reduce pain, along with increasing knee function and mobility.xxi, xxii

All these many powerful nutrients in bone broth greatly contribute to joint health, which in turn may help to prevent inflammation-induced breakdown processes and improve overall mobility.xxiii

#2 Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a fast-growing technology that is being used to treat many conditions that require stimulation of innate healing processes, relief from pain and inflammation, and restoration of normal function. Laboratory studies have shown an increase in production of pro-collagen and collagen along with other skin healing factors after skin exposure to low-energy laser irradiation.xxiv

#3 Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for collagen production in the body, by direct activation of collagen production, by serving as a co-factor for two enzymes that are responsible for stabilizing collagen molecules, and by other mechanisms. Clinical studies have shown that applying vitamin C directly on the skin increases collagen production. Consuming vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants also helps maintain collagen levels in the body.xxv, xxvi

#4 Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has been shown to nearly double hyaluronic acid and collagen production when consumed by study participants. In laboratory experiments, naturally occurring compounds present in Aloe vera known as sterols have been shown to promote the production of type I and type III collagen.xxvii

#5 Collagen Supplements

Collagen supplements are produced from the connective tissue of animals and are commonly used to replenish collagen levels. In its natural state, collagen is made up of large molecules, which are “hydrolyzed,” or broken down into smaller molecules called peptides for better absorption.xxviii

Studies have shown that collagen peptides are indeed well absorbed and can trigger the body’s own collagen production. For instance, supplements of hydrolyzed types I and III collagen have been shown to increase collagen levels in the skin and also support tendons and ligaments, helping with exercise recovery.xxix, xxx

A 2008 study by Clark and colleagues examined the effects of collagen hydrolysate on activity-related joint pain in 147 athletes, of whom 73 received the collagen supplement while 74 received control treatment for 24 weeks. The results of this study clearly showed that athletes consuming collagen hydrolysate had less joint pain – while at rest, while standing, walking, or lifting – all of which can have a negative impact on athletic performance if left untreated.xxxi

In osteoarthritis, injury or wear and tear break down the cartilage, eventually causing the bones to rub together.

On the other hand, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which inflammation causes pain, stiffness, and swelling. Collagen supplements have been shown to help support joint health, which is highly beneficial for arthritis sufferers.xxxii

Don’t take a collagen supplement unless
it has all 5 of these ingredients.

First and foremost, you’ll want to make sure that the collagen supplement you choose has all 5 of the most important collagens your body needs.

The FIVE Major
Types of Collagen
Recent research has discovered there are at least 28 different types of collagen. xxxiii

Five of those types are the ones that play some pretty big roles in your body.

Type I

This is the most abundant type of collagen in your body. Around 90% of the collagen you do have is type I, and it’s the stuff that helps maintain healthy teeth, bones, hair, tendons, and ligaments.xxxiv

Type II

This is the type found in cartilage. This rubbery tissue is what cushions your joints, and it’s why type II collagen is what promotes healthier, pain-free joints.xxxv

Type III

Next to type I, this is the second most abundant type of collagen in your body. It’s what helps keep your skin and the lining of your organs and arteries smooth and pliable.xxxvi

Type V

This type is found on the surface of all your cells and is the type that makes up hair strands and can promote healthier, fuller hair. And interestingly enough, it’s the type of collagen found in the placenta.xxxvii

Type X

This is the type of collagen that helps with bone formation and cartilage as well, helping prevent things like arthritis and osteoporosis.xxxviii

So these are the five types that you definitely WANT if you’re looking to get the major benefits collagen can deliver.
However, most supplements do NOT include all five types. Usually, they give you just one or two types. This means your body can only use that type of collagen for the specific role that type plays. So you don’t get the entire spectrum of age-defying benefits all five of the major types can provide.

But that’s just the beginning.

Without Vitamin C, Supplementing with Collagen Is Practically Useless
Vitamin C is essential for collagen production in the body. It’s the “Yin” to collagen’s “Yang.”

Because without it, your body CAN’T produce collagen. xxxix

Think of it like this:

You’ve seen an old rusty car sitting in a junkyard that looks brittle and has holes from the rust, right?

That car looks like that because it’s oxidized.

And just like the car sitting there becomes less and less functional the more oxidized it gets (resulting in rust), it’s the same with your connective tissue, your skin, and your collagen.

Vitamin C is the ANTI-oxidant that helps protect and prevent any of this from happening.

So that’s why collagen and vitamin C are joined at the hip for life!


Most Collagen Supplements Out There DO NOT Add Vitamin C to Their Formulas
This means you don’t get the rejuvenating benefits of vitamin C.

To be perfectly frank with you:

This BOGGLES my mind!

Why wouldn’t you include the ONE thing your body needs to actually USE the collagen in the first place?

And while there might be a small handful of collagen supplements out there that have vitamin C…

… here’s what they don’t tell you:

Most of the vitamin C used in those supplements (and in practically EVERY vitamin C supplement out there) is a kind of synthetically created “Frankenstein” version of vitamin C.

It’s called “ascorbic acid” and it’s typically derived from a GMO corn extract!

This is true for somewhere around 90% of the vitamin C supplements out there. xl

There’s just NO WAY I’d want to put that stuff in my body. And you shouldn’t have to either.

So what kind of vitamin C is “good” to supplement with, in addition to collagen?

In my opinion, it would be two of the best, all-natural sources of vitamin C on earth…

Camu camu and acerola cherry!

These two little guys pack a BIG punch – they have the highest concentration of vitamin C you’ll find in nature. Period.

Camu Camu
This remarkable plant grows deep in the swampy areas of the Amazon rain forest. The indigenous people use the fruit and leaves as medicines and it’s known to have anti-viral properties.

And get this – it’s also chock full of vitamin C.

In fact…

To put that into perspective, one teaspoon of camu camu in powder form delivers 1,180% of your recommended daily vitamin C intake.xli

That’s the power of using a whole food source of vitamin C – instead of resorting to some lab-created GMO corn extract calling itself a vitamin.

Pound for pound, camu camu has 60 TIMES MORE vitamin C than an orange.xlii
Acerola Cherry
Also known as Barbados cherry, this cherry is typically found in the more tropical climates of places like Puerto Rico, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Central America.

Like camu camu, acerola cherry contains a TON of vitamin C. In this case, one tablespoon of it in powder form delivers 525% of your recommended daily intake.xliii

But here’s what makes it really special…

It contains OVER 150 phytonutrients, including flavonoids and polyphenols. These are phytonutrients your body NEEDS in order to effectively use vitamin C. Which means it takes a lot LESS vitamin C to get the job done, since it gives you a COMPLETE package.xliv

This is the “natural” kind of vitamin C you WANT to put in your body.

But that’s not all you need to actually get all of collagen’s benefits…

Your body also needs silica in order to effectively use collagen

While vitamin C is the most important nutrient you need to use collagen in your body, there is another nutrient you need:


This is what also keeps all our connective tissue system pliable. If we don’t have enough silica, things start to harden, which is why if you’re deficient it CAN contribute to heart disease, arthritis, back injuries, and more not-so-fun stuff.xlv

As far as collagen is concerned, it’s actually a “building block” of collagen, so it helps your body more effectively use the collagen you’re taking.xlvi

Typically you can find silica in leafy greens, but one of the best sources is organic horsetail.xlvii, xlviii

No – not THAT kind of horse tail. The horsetail I’m talking about is an ancient medicinal herb that’s been around since even before the dinosaurs.

The Greeks and Romans used horsetail for healing wounds and ailments like ulcers and even to fight infections.xlix

But used in conjunction with collagen it really helps make things super effective.

Of course, as you might guess, most collagen supplements on the market do NOT include any kind of silica.

And finally …

The other nutrient your body needs to heal and rebuild collagen is zinc
That’s because the collagen-repairing enzymes in your body are all zinc-based.l

Without enough zinc, it doesn’t matter how much collagen you take in, your body won’t be able to do much with it.

Zinc also helps slow the breakdown of collagen in your

This is important because starting at about age 21, your collagen levels start to break down and drop off. Your body breaks it down faster than it can replace it.lii

Then at 25 it’s a slippery slope.

You lose about 1% of your collagen every year under “normal” circumstances. It’s more than that if you get too much sun exposure, feel stressed out all the time, are a smoker, or don’t stay properly hydrated.liii

Every Year That Passes Means Your Body Is Going Even Deeper Into a MASSIVE Collagen Deficit!

We’ve ALL seen the effects of this firsthand.

One day you look in the mirror and notice wrinkles on your forehead that appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

You notice tiny wrinkles around your eyes, and maybe a few larger ones on your neck.

You look at the skin on the back of your hands and fingers and see it isn’t as smooth as it used to be.

And that’s just the beginning!

You don’t have as much “pep” as you used to… the pounds seem to come on WAY too easily… and then all of a sudden little aches, pains, and “popping” sounds when you bend down or pick things up seem almost unexplainable.

It’s all a sign that WAY too much collagen has been M.I.A. (missing in action!) in your body.

That’s why you’ve got to take matters into your own hands, and make sure your body gets all the collagen it needs.

But as I’ve explained here, you can’t just take a regular old collagen supplement.


Because they don’t include all the OTHER nutrients your body needs in order to actually USE that collagen where it’s needed.

Here’s how to TURBOCHARGE your body’s ability to repair and heal itself
That’s why if you REALLY want to experience what it’s like to look younger when you wake up in the morning and see yourself in the mirror…

… to wake up and no longer feel those nagging aches and pains… and to wake up feeling refreshed and energized to tackle your day (instead of dragging yourself out of bed)…

… then you’ve got to have collagen PLUS all the other nutrients I’ve mentioned in this report.

In fact, the more research I did on this, the more concerned I got that practically NOBODY out there is giving people collagen with all these supporting nutrients that are absolutely NEEDED to absorb the collagen and actually use it!

So I decided to take matters into my own hands.

Collagen Pouch
Clean Sourced COLLAGENS
The ONLY Collagen Supplement Scientifically Designed From the Ground Up to Promote Younger-Looking Skin, Fewer Aches and Pains, and a Healthier, More Vibrant Body.

Clean Sourced Collagens is hands down the most bioavailable collagen supplement you’ll find anywhere.

That’s because you’ve got absolutely EVERYTHING your body will need in order to use as MUCH collagen as it can.

With every serving:

You get five types of collagen – from FOUR different sources, so you can get absolutely as MANY age-defying benefits as possible…
You get camu camu – for a powerful source of vitamin C , so your body can actually USE the collagen you take…
You get acerola cherry – for even more bioavailable vitamin C and an array of phytonutrients that ensure your body recognizes and USES the vitamin C for collagen production…
You get horsetail extract – to practically guarantee your body has the “building blocks” needed for collagen, so it can repair your skin, joints, muscles, and more…
You get Zinc Gluconate – as a “guarantee” that the collagen you take will go to the places where it’s needed in your body for rebuilding, rejuvenation, and repair.
Collagen Shop Pouch
And here’s the really cool part…

No other collagen supplement on the market even comes close to Clean Sourced Collagens to giving you ALL these ingredients to make sure your body is able to ABSORB all the collagen and use it like Mother Nature intended.

Dr. Melissa Gallagher – Naturopathic Physician
Dr. Melissa Gallagher,
Naturopathic Physician

Collagen is the literal glue that keeps our body, tissue and bones held together and functioning optimally.

Combine the aging process with common health conditions and diseases and the need for collagen becomes essential.

I routinely recommend cleanly sourced multi collagen peptides to my patients because there are vast benefits for patients who experience vascular disorders, gut imbalances, spine and disc diseases, dental remineralization delays, eye problems, hair loss, and saggy, wrinkly skin. Collagen can help slow down and reverse the aging process.

There is a BIG difference in quality and effectiveness between cleanly sourced collagen and run of the mill “non-clean” collagen peptides.

For collagen to effectively support our cells it needs to be in its cleanest form. Multiple types of collagen work synergistically with other nutrients like vitamin C and hyaluronic acid for max effect.

The multi-system benefits of consuming an assortment of collagen types yields the greatest results for my patients.

Dr. Melissa Gallagher

Clean Sourced Collagens Gives You Maximum AGE-DEFYING Power by Sourcing Collagen from Not Just One … Not Just Two … But from FOUR Different Sources!
In addition to giving you just one TYPE of collagen, the other thing you’ll find with collagen supplements out there is that they also only use a single source of collagen.

Typically from chicken, beef, or fish.

To ensure you get the maximum benefit and absorbability, we’re including collagen from:

Eggs have a membrane that sits between the eggshell and the egg white. A number of research studies show that this makes it a GREAT source of type V collagen. liv

This is the most COMPLETE way to check all the boxes and ensure you’re getting as much bioavailable collagen as possible – so your body can go to work to reduce the signs of aging… from the INSIDE out!

One more thing – all our suppliers are companies we TRUST completely (NOT from some of the cheaper suppliers in China used by so many other companies just to puff up their profit margins).

Clean Sourced Collagens
Receives CLEAN Certification
by Independent Labs!
Have you heard the news?

A recent 2017 study published by the Consumer Wellness Center stirred up a heap of controversy when analyzing 9 popular collagen products on the market today.

Turns out, contaminants including antibiotics… insecticides… parabens… steroids… and more were found in so-called “pure” collagen, lvi

The great news is: Clean Sourced Collagens is certified CLEAN by independent labs. That means every single bag has been rigorously tested – and certified – to be free of heavy metals… chemicals… and growth hormones that wreak havoc on your health. We’ve spared no expense to ensure that you’re getting all FIVE types of collagen from the highest quality sources available!

Want proof?

Take a look at how Clean Sourced Collagens stacks up to the competition*…

ONE-YEAR, 100% Satisfaction
MONEY-BACK Guarantee

You have a FULL YEAR – that’s 365 days – to try Clean Sourced Collagens and experience all the benefits it has to offer. If for any reason, you’re not 100% satisfied with your results… send us back the container within a year from your date of purchase – even if it’s EMPTY – and we’ll send you a FULL refund of every penny paid. No ifs… ands… or buts about it!

Jonathan Signature
Jonathan Hunsaker
Founder, Organixx

Guarantee Seal 5 Star Reviews Seal
I set out to create the very best collagen supplement on the market.

And I aim to put my money where my mouth is – because if there’s one thing I place a VERY high priority on, it’s YOUR TRUST.

My goal is to deliver high-quality supplements that actually work to give you the results you LOVE.

So here’s what I want to do for you…

Order Clean Sourced Collagens today.

Then take it daily for as long as you want.

In fact, you have an ENTIRE YEAR, or 365 days to try it out.

You either LOVE
Clean Sourced Collagens
or you don’t pay.
If you don’t start to feel and look younger, then I want you to send your bags of Clean Sourced Collagens back (YES, even if they’re EMPTY!).

I’ll make sure you get a full refund of every penny you paid.

I mean it. That’s my personal guarantee to you right now.

If it doesn’t work exactly the way I say – it’s on my dime.

Click the button below right now and get your very first supply of age-defying Clean Sourced Collagens right now – I would LOVE for you to be our next success story!

Jon Hunsaker
Owner and Founder of Organixx

P.S. Remember, you have a FULL YEAR to try Clean Sourced Collagens and experience the age-defying benefits it can offer. If, for any reason, you’re not 100% satisfied with your results… just send us back the container (even if it’s EMPTY). You’ll receive a prompt and courteous refund.

Try Clean Sourced Collagens RISK-FREE and SAVE Up To 15%!
(Plus Get FREE Shipping!)*

Look, whether you’re 25, 40, or even 80 years old, I believe every BODY can benefit from adding collagen. There’s no doubt in my mind that we’ve created the ULTIMATE collagen supplement with Clean Sourced Collagens.

Because so many products out there promise you the world when it comes to easing joint discomfort. But most of them don’t work, because they don’t address a critical ROOT CAUSE of what causes the inflammation and discomfort in the first place.

It’s formulated to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out. And that’s pretty important.

With Clean Sourced Collagens, you can rest easy that your body’s natural intelligence will go to work and put the collagen to use where it needs it most.

Customer Reviews
Organixx 5 Star Review
10,000+ 5 Star Reviews (and counting)
Organixx 5 Star Review
Organixx Verified Review
The only collagen powder I use

I love that it has the addition of vitamin C and Tryptophan for better absorption and protein benefits. Very neutral taste.

Organixx 5 Star Review
Organixx Verified Review
Love It!

I had brown aging spots on my hands and the insides of my arms. I started taking Clean Sourced Collagens about a month ago, and my hands and arms are completely clear of the spots. I am excited to see what happens next. Thanks Organixx.

Organixx 5 Star Review
Organixx Verified Review

I have finished one box and I love this product. My first time trying collagen, and I could see my skin glow after using for several weeks! Will continue buying.

Organixx 5 Star Review
Organixx Verified Review
If I had known this when I was younger

OK, I am 55..I thought I was always super healthy. But, my nails were weak and my hair while long was very fine. Well after a year of faithful use my nails are super crazy strong, my hair is thick and I probably wouldn’t have ripped the tendons in my shoulders if I knew I was low on collagen. I should have started this years ago. Thank You Organixx!!

For the Absolute Best (and Fastest) Results,
Here’s What Our Customers Are Doing
Thousands of people have now started using Clean Sourced Collagens on a daily basis and some very interesting things have presented themselves to us.

Most people who have found themselves (like you may be right now), experiencing aches, pains, visible signs of aging, and more, have opted to undertake what we describe as a “loading phase”.

By taking 1 scoop, 3 times a day for the first month, you’re stacking the deck in your favor and will start to see results in your body much more quickly.

Especially if you’ve never taken a collagen supplement like this one, your body could be begging for as much as it can get to put you back on track toward optimal health.

So, for the quickest and best results, our recommendation is to consume 1 scoop, 3 times daily for the first month. Then drop back to one single scoop a day and continue from there for long-term health and vitality.

And as you’ll see in just a moment, we’ve made that decision very easy for you with our special introductory bundle offer.

Again, please let me stress – this is entirely up to you, we’ve designed this amazing offer to cover all the bases.

The reality is… YOU get to decide how you take it.

Up to 3 full scoops a day at first will definitely put you on the fast track, but in the end it’s up to you.

Not only that, keep in mind… It’s FLAVORLESS.

That means you don’t have to “gulp” down something nasty in the name of being “healthy.”

Simply mix it in with your favorite beverage – whether it’s water, coffee, tea, or juice.

And while YOU won’t even taste or notice you’re adding the purest quality collagen available to your diet … you can bet your bottom dollar your BODY will NOTICE!

It’ll go right to work and use that collagen to repair, rebuild, and restore your body to optimal health.

And remember, as with all of our supplements here at Organixx, every single bag of Clean Sourced Collagens is gluten-free, GMO-free, and contains organic ingredients.
You could be just weeks away from experiencing ALL the benefits collagen has to offer

You wake up a few weeks from today and notice how CLEAN SOURCED COLLAGENS is helping you reduce the signs of aging and see that your skin is smoother… cellulite is going away… and overall your skin looks much younger and more radiant.

You notice that your tummy feels much better than it has in years and you don’t have any uncomfortable gas or bloating after you eat.
Your joints no longer cause you discomfort and you’re able to move and be as active as you used to be “back in the day.”
You sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed and have more energy throughout the day to get things done.
Your hair looks thicker and fuller and you don’t lose as much of it in the shower… and your nails seem to be growing better and healthier.
Best of all, you feel more like YOU… without the fatigue, aches and pains, or the brain “fog” that you used to have.


How much Fish Oil should you really be Taking?

How Much Fish Oil Should You Really Be Taking?
June 01, 2023
There is a whirlwind of information surrounding the topic of fish oil and its various health benefits. From improved cardiovascular health to the reduction of chronic inflammation and treatment of neurological diseases, there’s little that fish oil can’t do. However, in the melee of marketing and misinformation, many have been left asking the same question: How much fish oil should I really be taking?

Before diving headlong into this question, it’s crucial to understand that not all fish oils are created equal. Much like the quality difference between a beautifully grilled salmon fillet and a questionable fish stick, there’s a wide range of fish oils available on the market.

Understanding Fish Oil Quality
Many fish oil products are in ethyl ester form, which, unfortunately, has poor bioavailability and stability. This is primarily due to the processing methods used to extract and concentrate the fish oil. During this process, the natural triglyceride structure of the fish oil is converted into ethyl esters, which are less stable and less easily absorbed by the body.

Moreover, many fish oils on the market may be rancid by the time they reach the consumer due to improper storage or overlong shelf-life. Rancid oils are not only unpleasant to consume, but they can also potentially have negative health effects.

To ensure you’re getting a high-quality fish oil supplement, look for products in triglyceride form or re-esterified triglyceride form. These forms are more similar to the natural structure of fish oil, making them more stable and bioavailable.

Dosage Recommendations
For general health maintenance: 2.5g/day For improved cardiovascular health: 2.5-5g/day For the reduction of chronic inflammation: 5-10g/day For treating neurological diseases: 10-25g/day.

It’s important to note that these dosages refer to the amount of EPA and DHA, the two key omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, not the total fish oil amount.

Supporting Studies:
One of the leading studies supporting the benefits of high-dose fish oil is the REDUCE-IT study. This trial found that patients at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease experienced a 25% reduction in the risk of major cardiovascular events when taking 4g/day of icosapent ethyl (a type of fish oil) compared to a placebo. This clearly showcases the potential of high-dose fish oil in supporting cardiovascular health.

As for neurological diseases, a study in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry found that high doses of fish oil (up to 9.6g/day) could help reduce symptoms of major depression and other psychological disorders. However, more research is needed in this area, especially for the higher end of the dosage scale (10-25g/day).

Remember, the right dosage for you may vary depending on your health status, diet, and other factors.

Navigating the world of fish oil can seem like a daunting task, but with a bit of knowledge and understanding, you can make the most out of this powerful supplement. Remember, the key is quality over quantity, and when it comes to dosage, more isn’t always better. Tailor your intake to your needs and always choose a high-quality product to ensure the best results.

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TWO CAPSULES. LIMITLESS POTENTIAL A proprietary concentration of betalains from pure beet root extract to help the body support joint comfort and flexibility. AlovĂ©a Limitless contains a targeted concentration of “nature’s anti-inflammatory” betalains from beet root extract. The active ingredient in Limitless was found to help the body reduce certain inflammation markers by up to 47% in a clinical discovery study.* AlovĂ©a Limitless gives you a zero calorie, high-powered way to help your body fight inflammation, support joint comfort and flexibility, and live life limitless!

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A proprietary concentration of betalains from pure beet root extract to help the body support joint comfort and flexibility.
AlovĂ©a Limitless contains a targeted concentration of “nature’s anti-inflammatory” betalains from beet root extract. The active ingredient in Limitless was found to help the body reduce certain inflammation markers by up to 47% in a clinical discovery study.*

Alovéa Limitless gives you a zero calorie, high-powered way to help your body fight inflammation, support joint comfort and flexibility, and live life limitless!


REMOVE endocrine disruptors that suppress your natural hormone production
UPGRADE your cellular energy (mitochondria) so that you feel more energized when you wake up and stronger in the gym
TRANSFORM your ability to metabolize dietary fat into energy, by removing toxins that disrupt your gut health
REMOVE the metals that can create yeast (candida) issues and are often a hidden culprit in sugar cravings
ELIMINATE stubborn fat by targeting the root cause of weight loss resistance (toxins in the cell and endocrine system)
REBALANCE your hormones and body systems so you feel energized, experience elevated mood, and motivation to maximize your keto/weight-loss results.
We are exposed to a massive onslaught of toxins every day through the food and drinks we consume, products we use on our bodies, and even the air we breathe.
Did you know, for example, that common beauty and hygiene products have the power to confuse hormones, disrupt fat metabolism, and produce weight loss resistance?
As a consequence, you can experience a sluggish metabolism and imbalanced hormones on top of “unexplainable” gut problems, thyroid issues, fatigue, brain fog, and numerous other signs indicating you may need detox support.
CytoDetox provides total detoxification support where it matters most – at the cellular level – while other mainstream detoxes tend to focus on eliminating toxins solely from the digestive tract.

These “poopers” move toxins around – at best – and can actually RE-toxify the body and even CAUSE symptoms in the process.

The breakthrough Molecular Clinoptilolite Fragments (MCF) binders in CytoDetox are designed to prevent the issue of RE-toxification.

The market did not need another liver, kidney, or colon detox system but instead needed a detox formula strong enough to support the body to purge toxins at the cellular level where detox matters most.

Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score!

Take a look at nutritional labels from different foods and you will see % Daily Values for most of the nutrients, but rarely for protein and certainly not PDCAAS. This is because the declared amount of protein in products needs to be adjusted for its ability to provide us with sufficient amino acids.

In general, the %DVs declared on nutritional labels can either involve simple math or be complicated. For example, a serving of fluid milk with 300 mg of calcium supplies 30% of its DV, while peanuts with 35 mg of calcium provide 4% of its DV. Both use 1,000 mg/day as the Daily Value. For protein, you must also factor in how well it is used by our bodies. Fluid milk containing 8g protein in a serving supplies 16% of its DV; however, peanuts containing the same amount of protein in a serving supply only 8% of its DV. PDCAAS is the way to measure the nutritional quality of a protein.
Proteins are made of many amino acids and PDCAAS evaluates a food’s protein quality by comparing its amino acid composition to what our bodies can use. PDCAAS compares the amount of the essential amino acids in the food to a reference (scoring) pattern based on the essential amino acid requirements of a 2 to 5 year old child to determine its most limiting amino acid (amino acid score). This approach is recommended by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is described in the 1991 FAO/WHO Protein Quality Report.

Part of calculating a PDCAAS involves referencing a protein digestibility value. Extensive evaluation of existing in vitro and in vivo methods of determination of the protein digestibility in foods led to the conclusion that the rat balance method is the most suitable practical method for predicting protein digestibility by humans. Using this method, digestibility values for many common ingredients have been established and made available for reference. For food mixtures, when data for the protein digestibility of the individual ingredients are well established, the protein digestibility of the mixture can be calculated by means of a weighted average procedure. This can be used if the distribution of ingredients in the product is known.

The other part required for PDCAAS calculation is laboratory analysis. Proximates and amino acid composition must be measured in order to determine the amino acid score. The protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score of a test food is then calculated by multiplying the amino acid score times the protein digestibility value. PDCAAS is typically expressed as a decimal, but sometimes as a percentage. PDCAAS can be used to calculate the nutritional quality-adjusted amount of protein in the product and its % Daily Value.

In January 1993, FDA suggested the use of PDCAAS in food labeling for evaluating protein quality. Pre-existing regulations, at CFR§ 101.9(c)(7), required the use of PDCAAS for determining whether a food contained a significant amount of protein per serving and for calculating the percent DV for protein.

Consequently, the PDCAAS and the %DV of a food must be known before a protein content claim is made. In the U.S., one qualification for a “Good Source of Protein” claim is the food containing 10-19 %DV per serving. An “Excellent Source” claim can be made when 20 %DV of protein is present.

The highest PDCAAS value that any protein can achieve is 1.0. Generally, casein, whey, soy, and egg are considered good quality proteins and have PDCAAS scores of 1.00, while those of tree nuts are a bit under 0.50 and wheat gluten even lower. The graph below compares some of the common protein sources and ranges out there.